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Hennecke focuses on energy saving, CO2 reduction in PU foaming
  By Bill Bregar
Published: November 19, 2014 9:20 am ET
Updated: November 19, 2014 9:22 am ET

At the Fakuma show in Germany, Hennecke GmbH focused on its new energy saving technology, called Blue Intelligence, which also reduces carbon dioxide emissions for polyurethane foaming machines.

Blue Intelligence optimizes management of the machine, has an adapted temperature control system and a state-of-the-art injector technology. Hennecke has implemented Blue Intelligence in its new Highline range of PUR machines.

The company in St. Augustin, Germany, also featured its Variocast technology for high-pressure resin transfer molding, which reduces the mold holding time, cutting cycle times. For example, in the company’s Streamline series of metering machines, the Variocast uses an individual additive line to separate the activator components. The Streamline performs metering according to a time-dependent function, instead of a defined output level. That means holding times can be reduced for long shot sequences.

The U.S. operation, Hennecke Inc., is based in Lawrence, Pa.

Tel. 724 271-3686; email info@us.hennecke.com.

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