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Extreme Coatings introduces alternative to standard chroming process
  By Bill Bregar
Published: November 19, 2014 8:40 am ET
Updated: November 19, 2014 8:41 am ET

Extreme Coatings has introduced CarbideX CPR for coating screws and rotors, which the company claims is better that hard chrome plating.

Injection molding or extruding PVC and chlorinated PVC polymers creates harmful fumes during processing, which are corrosive and can permeate the micro cracks and pores in hard chrome plating, the company said.

CarbideX CPF is a formulated blend of carbon and chromium in a nickel matrix, engineered to replace hard chrome in those PVC applications. It is applied two or three times thicker and more uniform than standard chrome. The entire working surface gets encapsulated, including root, radius, flight sides, outside diameter and mixers.

The result, according to Extreme Coatings, is a service life that is three to five times longer than hard chrome.

Extreme Coating is based in St. Petersburg, Fla.

Tel. 888-367-2569; email info@extremecoating.com.

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