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Medical tubing maker diversifies into beverage market

By Frank Antosiewicz
Published: July 11, 2013 1:55 pm ET

Applying the lessons it learned in medical tubing, Eldon James Corp. is launching a food and beverage division called EJ Beverage to address the needs of what it sees a growing market.
“We started doing testing a little over a year ago and that’s really been a springboard for us.” said Mark Timbrook, director of marketing at Denver-based Eldon James, in a telephone interview.
He said the antimicrobial and PVC-free tubing and connectors that work in its medical, biomedical and pharmaceutical applications also are proving to be suitable for use for such things as dispensing beer and soft drinks.
The company has been refining its products through testing at the Research Center Weihenstephan for Brewing and Food Quality in Freising, Germany, and with help from New Belgium Brewing Co., a craft brewer in Fort Collins, Colo.
The testing has shown that the lines solve problems with bacteria that plague other materials, Timbrook said. That anti-microbial property has drawn a great deal of interest for beer brewing, and EJ Beverage has launched some products at a recent home brewers’ show.
The new EJ Beverage division is headed by Greg Kinney and products are available exclusively now in the United States.
Timbrook said the products have passed the stringent medical requirements, and also have been found not to compromise the flavor of beverages.
The company is planning a major product launch for Drinktec, a food and beverage trade show in September in Munich, Germany.
Eldon James also is in the process of consolidating its operations in a new 75,000 square foot facility in Denver, and Timbrook reported that project is on schedule to be ready in September. The company was founded in 1987 and is woman-owned by Marcia Coulson, its president.

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